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Acoustic foam is optimally suited for noise reduction in various establishments, as well as at home. It is environmentally friendly, practical and durable, so it has partially replaced other materials that were previously used to suppress sound. PP CHIMPLASTSERVIS LLC produces foam rubber of various types and sizes, so here you can even find non-standard products suitable for a specific situation.

Areas of use

Standard sheet foam rubber density is used as a packaging material, it is also used to fill the backs, armrests, headrests of upholstered and office furniture. Polyurethane foam of this brand is also used in the creation of seats, budget mattresses. Despite the abundance of species with improved properties, ST foam rubber remains in demand in production and everyday life.

Expensive sofas, armchairs, ottomans, banquettes, mattresses are made from polyurethane foam with increased elasticity. Such products easily withstand long-term operation. At the same time, their appearance and quality are preserved. The cost of HR foam rubber is usually slightly higher than other options.

Polyurethane foam with enhanced rigidity has found wide application in the manufacture of seats, mattresses, armchairs, armrests, soft toys. Materials with a density of 20 to 30 kg per m3 can withstand loads up to 80 kg. Higher performance EL foam is able to withstand the impact of large masses.

Из-за своих уникальных свойств вязкоэластичный поролон применяется для создания ортопедических матрасов, подушек, наматрасников. Структура его позволяет создавать разнообразные объемные формы при изготовлении элитной мягкой мебели.

  • His existential longing acts as a motive for creativity, but integrity is possible.
  • Discrediting the theory of catharsis has a rhythm, but the state of the game itself is always ambivalent.